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Male 17-21

The following charts are for this age group only. These are the standards that you will be held to in basic training. Use this list to do pre test before you get to basic.


Reps Score Reps Score Reps Score Reps Score
77 57 81 37 53 17 26
76 56 79 36 52 16 24
75 55 78 35 50 15 23
74 54 77 34 49 14 21
73 53 75 33 48 13 20
72 52 74 32 46 12 19
71 100 51 72 31 45 11 17
70 99 50 71 30 43 10 16
69 97 49 70 29 42 9 14
68 96 48 68 28 41 8 13
67 94 47 67 27 39 7 12
66 93 46 66 26 38 6 10
65 92 45 64 25 37 5 9
64 90 44 63 24 35 4 8
63 89 43 61 23 34 3 6
62 88 42 60 22 32 2 5
61 86 41 59 21 31 1 3
60 85 40 57 20 30
59 83 39 56 19 28
58 82 38 54 18 27


Reps Score Reps Score Reps Score Reps Score
82 66 81 50 55 34 30
81 65 79 49 54 33 28
80 64 78 48 52 32 26
79 63 76 47 50 31 25
78 100 62 74 46 49 30 23
77 98 61 73 45 47 29 22
76 97 60 71 44 46 28 20
75 95 59 70 43 44 27 18
74 94 58 68 42 42 26 17
73 92 57 66 41 41 25 15
72 90 56 65 40 39 24 14
71 89 55 63 39 38 23 12
70 87 54 62 38 36 22 10
69 86 53 60 37 34 21 9
68 84 52 58 36 33
67 82 51 57 35 31

Running (2 Miles)

Time Score Time Score Time Score Time Score
12:54 16:24 53 19:54 5 23:24
13:00 100 16:30 52 20:00 3 23:30
13:06 99 16:36 50 20:06 2 23:36
13:12 97 16:42 49 20:12 1 23:42
13:18 96 16:48 48 20:18 0 23:48
13:24 94 16:54 46 20:24 23:54
13:30 93 17:00 45 20:30 24:00
13:36 92 17:06 43 20:36 24:06
13:42 90 17:12 42 20:42 24:12
13:48 89 17:18 41 20:48 24:18
13:54 88 17:24 39 20:54 24:24
14:00 86 17:30 38 21:00 24:30
14:06 85 17:36 37 21:06 24:36
14:12 83 17:42 35 21:12 24:42
14:18 82 17:48 34 21:18 24:48
14:24 81 17:54 32 21:24 24:54
14:30 79 18:00 31 21:30 25:00
14:36 78 18:06 30 21:36 25:06
14:42 77 18:12 28 21:42 25:12
14:48 75 18:18 27 21:48 25:18
14:54 74 18:24 26 21:54 25:24
15:00 72 18:30 24 22:00 25:30
15:06 71 18:36 23 22:06 25:36
15:12 70 18:42 21 22:12 25:42
15:18 68 18:48 20 22:18 25:48
15:24 67 18:54 19 22:24 25:54
15:30 66 19:00 17 22:30 26:00
15:36 64 19:06 16 22:36 26:06
15:42 63 19:12 14 22:42 26:12
15:48 61 19:18 13 22:48 26:18
15:54 60 19:24 12 22:54 26:24
16:00 59 19:30 10 23:00 26:30
16:06 57 19:36 9 23:06
16:12 56 19:42 8 23:12
16:18 54 19:48 6 23:18

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Published on: 2006-02-08 (65059 reads)

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